About journal

  • About journal
  • Editorial сouncil
  • Editorial policy of the journal
  • Submitting materials
  • Editorial
  • Policy on revocation or correction of articles
  • Rights and obligations
  • Confidentiality

The Journal publishes the results of open scientific research on clinical, theoretical disciplines in the field of biomedicine, as well as innovative technologies in the field of teaching, carried out by scientists of scientific institutions, higher educational institutions and citizens conducting scientific research on a personal initiative.

Currently, the pace of development of scientific innovation brings to the fore the issues of ensuring high quality publications. Today, scientific journals are an important tool for communication between specialists and the promotion of scientific research into practice in various fields of science. Journals that comprehensively cover the latest scientific advances are increasingly recognized as educational tools. The example of the most successful scientific journals shows that publications must fully reflect the development of science and changes in clinical practice.

Publication in the journal is an indicator of the state of scientific research, medical practice and healthcare in the republic. In this regard, our goal is to create a periodical with highly professional content and maximum correlation between the materials published in it and the passports of specialties of educational and dissertation standards in the field of medicine.

The editorial policy of the journal “Bulletin of KazNMU” is closely related to the ethics of scientific activity. This is, first of all, a set of moral principles that guide scientists in their work.

The editors of the journal respect the rights of authors of manuscripts sent for publication, which are protected by Kazakh laws and international acts.

For their part, authors submitting their works for publication in the journal “Bulletin of KazNMU” must ensure that the articles:
• are original (have not been previously published in other publications in their current or similar form in content);
• are not under consideration by the editors of other publications and all possible conflicts of interest related to copyright and publication of the articles under consideration;
• do not violate any existing copyright, and therefore guarantee the publisher compensation for damages in the event of such violations being discovered;
• for ease of distribution and to ensure the implementation of the materials use policy, the authors transfer to the publisher the exclusive right of ownership of the manuscript, unless otherwise provided.
The following may be considered a violation of scientific ethics:
• fabrication, falsification of data by secretly selecting it and rejecting undesirable results, by manipulating images or illustrations;
• incorrect statements in a letter of application or application for support (including false statements regarding the publications in which the work appeared, as well as works accepted for publication);
• violation of intellectual property rights in relation to another author's copyrighted works, significant scientific discoveries, hypotheses, theories or research methods:
• usurpation of scientific authorship or co-authorship (plagiarism), or their unjustified appropriation;
• misappropriation, according to experts, of research methods and ideas (theft of ideas);
• unauthorized publication and provision of third parties with access to not yet published works, findings, hypotheses, theories or scientific methods.
• falsification of content.

In accordance with the editorial policy of the journal “Bulletin of KazNMU” it is unacceptable:

• verbatim copying of another person's work without attribution, reference to the source or use of quotation marks
• incorrect paraphrasing of another person's work, in which more than one sentence within the same paragraph or section of text has been changed, or sentences have been arranged in a different order without appropriate reference to the source. Substantial incorrect paraphrasing without reference to the source is equivalent to verbatim copying;
• using elements of another person's work without attribution, such as a figure, table, or paragraph without acknowledgment, attribution, or quotation marks. Authors must obtain permission from the copyright owner to use elements of their work;
• self-plagiarism: authors must indicate that their work is being published for the first time. If elements of the manuscript were previously published in another article, then the authors are required to refer to the earlier work. Indicate what is the significant difference between the new work and the previous one and at the same time identify its connection with the research results and conclusions presented in the previous work. Verbatim copying of one's own work and paraphrasing is unacceptable.

The peer-reviewed medical scientific and practical journal “Bulletin of KazNMU” was founded in 2007.

Founder of the publication of NJSC “Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov" of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The journal is registered with the Ministry of Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Committee of Communications, Informatization and Information (Certificate No. 7672-Ж).

Included in domestic and international indexed databases: Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI), E-library.ru, Cyberleninka.ru, Kazakhstan Citation Database of the National Center for State Scientific and Technical Information, Republican Interuniversity Electronic Library.

The journal “Bulletin of KazNMU” is published 4 times a year. Subscription index 74026 - in the Kazpost catalogue.

The first composition of the Editorial Board and the Editorial Council did a lot of work to develop the Mission and policy of the journal, requirements for publications. The types of materials published were identified: original research, literature reviews, case reports, briefs, and conference reports on a wide range of topics related to clinical medicine and public health. Throughout the years of publication of the journal, the main readership has been the biomedical scientific community, practicing physicians, doctoral students and undergraduates in the field of medicine and public health.

Since 2022, the Improvement Project “Promotion of the peer-reviewed medical scientific and practical journal “Bulletin of KazNMU” into the world ranking citation databases, including Scopus / Web of Science,” has been in effect. The scientific significance of published materials has increased. The impact factor for 2018 according to the Kazakhstan citation database is 0.039. The two-year impact factor according to the Russian Science Citation Index for 2020 is 0.091. The five-year impact factor for the RSCI core without self-citation is 0.086. The journal practices double-blind peer review of articles, which improves the quality of published articles.

In the future, our journal will be included in the databases Google Scholar, Index Copernicus, PubMed, DOAJ, Open Academic Journal Index, Scopus, Web of Science.

On our website you can view the latest issues and full-text versions of articles with the ability to download them, and familiarize yourself with the archive of the publication, starting from 2010, news and announcements, ask a question to the editor-in-chief and send an article for consideration. There is access to the websites of the databases that include our journal. In addition, on the site you can find all the information you are interested in regarding the design of articles, review procedures, publication ethics and much more.

QUALITY, RELIABILITY and DEMAND for published materials are the most important principles of our Journal.

We are confident in our prospects and invite you to cooperate with our publication!


Editor-in-Chief: Shoranov Marat Edigeevich, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Chairman of the Board-Rector of the NJSC “Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov".

Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Davletov Kairat Kirgizbaevich, Candidate of medical sciences, Professor, Vise Rector of the NJSC “Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov".

Editor: Kulimbet Mukhtar Bolatuly, Research Specialist of the Center of medicine and public health, NJSC “Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov".

Technical editor: Davletov Dimash Kairatovich, Technical editor of the department of science and publication activity, NJSC “Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov".

Editorial board:

Full name Academic degree and title Place of work
Alchinbaev Mirzakarim Karimovich Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor Head of the Department of Urology, NJSC “Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov"
Berkinbaev Salim Fakhatovich Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor Head of the Department of Cardiology, NJSC “Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov"
Ibraeva Anel Shamilyevna Doctor of Medical Sciences, associate professor Deputy Head of the Scientific and Technological Park, NJSC “Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov"
Ispaeva Zhanat Bakhitovna Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor Head of the Department of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, NJSC “Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov"
Nersesov Alexander Vitalievich Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor Head of the Department of Gastroenterology, NJSC “Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov"
Nugmanova Zhamilya Sakenovn Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor Head of the course on HIV infection and infection control, NJSC “Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov"
Sakipova Zuriyadda Bektemirovn Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, professor Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Production Technology, NJSC “Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov"
Saliev Timur Muidinovich PhD Head of the RIFAM named after B. Atchabarov, NJSC “Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov"
Sugraliev Akhmetzhan Begalievich Candidate of Medical Sciences, professor Head of the Department of Internal Medicine, NJSC “Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov"
Tezekbaev Kanat Mardenovich Candidate of Medical Sciences Head of the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics, NJSC “Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov"
Fakhradiev Ildar Rafisovich PhD Head of the scientific and technological park, NJSC “Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov"

International Editorial Board:

Full name Academic degree and title Place of work
Gasparyan Armen Yurievich Associate professor Research Fellow, Department of Science and Development Study Centre, University of Birmingham, UK
Jack DeHovitz Professor Professor of Medicine, Downstate Health Sciences University (DHSU), State University of New York (SUNY), USA
Kulmaganbetov Mukhit PhD Head of the Laboratory of Quantum Ophthalmology, Center for Research in Vision and Eye Diseases, Hong Kong
Mirrakhimov Erkin Mirsaidovich Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor Head of the Department of Faculty Therapy named after. M.E.Volsky – M.M.Mirrakhimova, Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named after I.K. Akhunbaev
Ferhat Karaca Associate professor Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan


The goals of the journal are to summarize scientific and practical achievements in the field of medicine, pharmacy, pharmacology, public health and innovative teaching methods, to improve the scientific and practical qualifications of healthcare and pharmacy workers.

• Cover new scientific findings in the field of health.
• To increase the openness and accessibility of the results of scientific work of scientific, practical and teaching workers, doctors and students in various fields of healthcare and pharmacy.
• Improve the professional level of medical, pharmaceutical, scientific and pedagogical workers by publishing original articles, results of fundamental and applied research aimed at developing and studying for the development of healthcare, lectures and literature reviews on a wide range of issues of medicine and healthcare.
• present the results of scientific research, clinical observations, consider issues of the effectiveness of methods of treatment and diagnosis of various diseases;
• discuss ways to improve the effectiveness of medical education;
• publish information about new effective pedagogical developments that can be used in the field of medical education;
• contribute to increasing the efficiency of implementation of scientific research results into the practice of health care and medical education;
• provide information on fundamental achievements in the field of biomedical sciences, ensuring the development of applied areas of medical science.

Quarterly – 4 times a year

Open Access Policy
In an effort to attract the maximum audience of specialists for a broad (including critical) discussion of published articles, as well as the introduction of scientific research results into the practice of domestic medicine, healthcare and pharmacy, medical and pharmaceutical education, the journal follows a policy of full open access to publications. All content of the journal is available to users free of charge on the journal's website. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, and print the full texts of journal articles.

Information openness. Information about the publishing house, editorial board, reviewing and publication of scientific articles, and other information in accordance with the information openness of the publication is published on the journal’s website.

Submitting materials

To submit material you need to Login or Register.

Checklist for preparing material for submission

As part of the submission process, authors must verify that their submission meets all of the following points, and submissions may be returned to authors if they do not meet these requirements.
• This material has not been previously published, nor has it been submitted for review and publication in another journal (or explained in the Notes to the Editor).
• The file with the material is presented in Microsoft Word document format.
• Full Internet addresses (URLs) are provided for references where possible.
• The text is typed with single line spacing; 12 point font size is used; Use italics rather than underlining for emphasis (except for URLs); All illustrations, graphs and tables are located in appropriate places in the text, and not at the end of the document.
• The text complies with the stylistic and bibliographic requirements described in the Guidelines for Authors.


1. Scientific articles submitted to the editorial office go through the reviewing institute. The journal practices double-blind reviewing, that is, the reviewer does not know the name of the author of the manuscript and vice versa.
2. The editors of the journal notify authors of receipt of the article within 5 working days.
3. The editor-in-chief, together with the editorial board, appoints two reviewers for each manuscript
4. The executive secretary sends the manuscript to reviewers within 3 working days after the appointment of reviewers
5. The first reviewer is a qualified expert on the topic of the manuscript
6. The second reviewer is an expert in study design, clinical epidemiology and biostatistics and assesses the methodological quality of the work.
7. Reviewers submit written reviews to the editor within 4 weeks.
8. In the review, in addition to a critical assessment of the article, a conclusion is made about the possibility of publishing this article in the journal: “accept for publication in its present form”, “accept for publication after making recommended changes” or “send for revision and re-consider the manuscript after revision”, “reject."
9. The executive secretary of the journal informs the authors about the results of the review of the article.
10. If an article is rejected from publication, the editors send a reasoned refusal to the author.
11. An article not recommended for publication by reviewers will not be accepted for re-consideration.
12. The final decision on the advisability of publication is made by the editorial board.
13. The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject an article that does not meet the established requirements or the scope of the journal.
14. After the decision is made to accept the article for publication, the technical editor of the journal informs the author about this and agrees on the timing of publication.
15. The editors have the right to carry out literary editing and, if necessary, reduce the length of the article, having agreed on this issue with the author.
16. Originals of manuscripts and reviews are stored in the editorial office of the journal

Policy on revocation or correction of articles

Journal editors should consider revoking a publication if:

- they have clear evidence of the unreliability of the published information, which arose either as a result of a serious error (for example, errors in calculations or experiments) or as a result of deliberate actions (for example, falsification of data) or deliberate falsification (for example, image manipulation);
- she is a plagiarist. Previously obtained results were published in other sources without proper reference to previous sources or disclosure of information to the editor, permission to republish or justification for the need for re-publication (i.e. cases of duplicate publication).
- it contains materials or data without permission to use. Copyright has been violated or there is some other serious legal problem (e.g. libel, confidentiality).
- she describes unethical research.
- it was published solely on the basis of a compromised or manipulated peer review process.
- the author(s) did not disclose a major competing interest (also known as a conflict of interest), which, in the opinion of the editor, would have influenced the interpretation of the work or the recommendations of editors and reviewers.

A review is not appropriate if:
- the authorship is disputed, but there is no reason to doubt the reliability of the conclusions.
- the main conclusions in the work are still reliable and their correction can sufficiently eliminate errors or problems.
- the editor has inconclusive evidence to withdraw the article, or is awaiting additional information, for example, an internal institutional investigation.
- the authors reported a conflict of interest after publication, but, in the opinion of the editor, the disclosure did not affect the interpretation of the results, recommendations or conclusions set out in the article.

Journal editors should consider expressing concern if:
- they received information about the inappropriate actions of the authors, but there is no clear evidence of such behavior.;
- there are arguments that the results of the work are unreliable, and the institution where the authors work is not going to find out the truth;
- they believe that the investigation of the alleged violations committed by the authors in connection with the publication either has not been, or will not be fair, impartial and convincing;
- an investigation of the authors' violations is underway, but its results are not expected soon enough

The purpose of the review of the publication
A review is a mechanism for correcting published information and alerting readers to publications containing such serious flaws or erroneous data that cannot be trusted. The unreliability of the data may be the result of good faith misconception and error or deliberate violations.
The main purpose of the review is to correct the published information and ensure its integrity, and not to punish the authors who committed violations.
Reviews are also used to warn readers about cases of duplicate publications (that is, when authors present the same data in several publications), plagiarism, manipulation of expert assessment, reuse of materials or data without permission, copyright infringement or any other legal problem (for example, defamation, confidentiality, illegality), unethical research and concealment of important conflicts of interest that may affect the interpretation of data or recommendations on their use.

Which publications should be withdrawn?
If only a small part of the article contains inaccurate data, especially as a result of a conscientious error, the best way to solve the problem is to make a correction or write in the list of typos. A partial review is impractical because it complicates the determination of the status of the article by readers and the reliability of its parts.
Similarly, if only a small part of the article (for example, a few sentences in the discussion) is plagiarism, editors should consider whether it would be better for readers (and for the author of the original work) if the article were amended (with correct references to the source) than if the entire article was withdrawn completely, which It may contain meaning and original data in its other parts as well.
In cases of duplicate publications (i.e., when the authors have published the same data or article in more than one journal without appropriate justification, permission and cross-references), the journal that first published the article may issue a notification of a duplicate publication (Redundant Publication), but it must withdraw the article only if its conclusions are unreliable. Any journals that subsequently print a duplicate article should withdraw it and indicate the reason for the withdrawal.
If an article is submitted to more than one journal at the same time, accepted and printed in both journals (in electronic or printed form) at the same time, priority may be set by the date on which the authors signed a publication license or copyright transfer agreement.
Journals publishing an article that synthesizes or collects data from redundant publications may consider making edits; duplicating the calculation of the same data may lead, in cases of meta-analysis and systematic review, to overestimate the size of the action and the benefits of the intervention.
In cases of partial duplication (that is, when the authors present some new findings in an article that also contains a significant amount of previously published information), editors should decide what would be best for readers: withdraw the entire article or issue a notice of duplicate publication indicating previously published parts and cross-referencing the previous work. This will depend on the amount of duplication: in some cases (for example, a description of a standard method), a limited degree of text duplication (https://bit.ly/2qSK0Xz ) is quite acceptable.
Recommendations for handling duplicate materials discovered before their publication, or already published, can be found in the relevant COPE diagrams (https://bit.ly/2rtSl4m ).
The publication of the final version on the website ("Accepted for publication") is a publication, even if the article has not appeared (or will not appear) in print. If the article is withdrawn before the printed version appears in the journal, the electronic version must be saved on the journal's website with a clear Notice of Withdrawal and included in bibliographic databases (for example, with a digital object identifier (DOI) or with another permanent link that determines its location), even if it does not appear in the printed version of the journal and thus will not be posted on the page. This is necessary because researchers have already been able to access it and cite electronic versions of the article, and they need to be warned about its withdrawal.
Articles that relied on data from subsequently withdrawn articles in their own conclusions, such as systematic reviews or meta-analyses, may themselves need to be corrected or withdrawn. The review of the publication may be requested by the author(s) of the article, the institution, readers or the editor.

What form should the review take?
The notice of withdrawal should be for each article, contain the reasons and grounds for the withdrawal, in a form understandable to the reader; it should also indicate the persons withdrawing the article and, possibly, how the case came to the attention of the journal (plaintiffs can be made public only if they have given permission).
Editors should, if possible, negotiate with the authors and agree on a form of wording acceptable to all parties. However, the time to formulate the text of the review should not be too long. A notice of withdrawal may be published even if no agreement has been reached.
Notifications must be published in all versions of the journal (i.e. printed and/or electronic). It is necessary to include the authors and the title of the withdrawn article in the title of the withdrawal notification. Example of the review form of the European Association of Scientific Editors (EASE) (https://bit.ly/2kqAo3O ).
The withdrawn articles should be clearly marked as such in all electronic sources (for example, on the journal's website and in any bibliographic databases). Editors are responsible for ensuring that the withdrawn publications are marked in such a way that they are well identified as such by all bibliographic databases (which should also include a link to the withdrawn article). The notification of withdrawal should become known to every electronic search engine of the recalled publications.
Withdrawn articles should not be deleted from either printed copies of the journal (for example, in libraries) or from electronic archives, except in extreme cases when the content contains defamation, violates personal integrity, is the subject of a court order or may pose a serious risk to the health of the general population. Then the metadata (title and authors) is saved, and the review notification clearly states why the entire article was deleted.

Who should carry out the recall?
In some cases, review notices are published jointly or on behalf of the journal owner (for example, an academic society or publisher). However, since the editor is responsible for the content of the journal, the final decision on the withdrawal of the material should always be made by him. Journal editors can withdraw publications (or express their concern), even if all or some of the authors disagree with this and refuse to withdraw the publication. Who exactly is withdrawing the article should be clearly indicated in the withdrawal notice.

How quickly should the publication be withdrawn?
Publications should be withdrawn immediately after the editor of the journal is convinced that the publication has serious violations and contains deliberately false information and falls under any of the above categories. Prompt feedback should minimize the number of researchers who cite erroneous works, are guided by conclusions from them, or come to incorrect conclusions, for example, using duplicate publications in meta-analyses or in similar cases.
If the editors have convincing evidence of the need to withdraw the article, they should withdraw the publication immediately, without postponing the review only because the authors do not want to cooperate with them. However, if an allegation of violations regarding a potential recall leads to disciplinary hearings or internal investigations of the institutions where the study was conducted, it is necessary to wait for their results before carrying out the recall (but in the meantime it is necessary to publish an Expression of Concern to warn readers).
If a letter or comment that has been submitted regarding a published article raises serious concerns, then the editor should not wait for a decision to submit a clarifying letter or comment in order to consider withdrawing the article or publishing an Expression of Concern.
If editors or journals have good reason to suspect deliberate misconduct, this should be brought to the attention of the institution on whose behalf the authors act as early as possible, but the decision to correct or withdraw the article should be made by the journal and does not necessarily depend on the institutional establishment of the fact of misconduct.
Journals should discuss the situation with the author(s) before contacting the institutions, but if there is well-founded evidence of serious misconduct, in rare cases journals may contact the institutions without prior notification of the authors: editors should use the COPE guidelines: Cooperation between Research Institutes and Journals on the Integrity of Scientific Research (https://doi.org/10.24318/cope.2018 .1.3) and the recommendations of CLUE: Wager E et al., Collaboration and communication between universities and editors (CLUE): Best practice recommendations, bioRxiv 139170; DOI: (https://doi.org/10.1101/139170 ).
If necessary, the previously corrected article may be further corrected or the previously corrected article may be withdrawn after the completion of the institutional investigation. Whenever possible, the results of the institutional investigation should be cited and cited in the notification, and any findings of misconduct should be attributed accordingly to the institution that made this conclusion.
How should editors act if the evidence of unreliability of the publication is not sufficient?
If it is impossible to obtain convincing evidence of the authenticity of the publication or will not be received in the foreseeable future, the article cannot be withdrawn, but the editor must publish an Expression of Concern.

Can the review be applied in cases of disputed authorship?
Sometimes authors ask to withdraw an article when the authorship is disputed after publication. If there is no reason to doubt the validity of the conclusions or the reliability of the data, the publication should not be withdrawn solely on the basis of disputes about authorship. In such cases, the editor of the journal should inform the persons involved in the dispute that he/she cannot make judgments in such cases, but will be ready to publish the corrected list of authors if the authors/co-authors (or their institutions) provide appropriate evidence that such a change is justified. For authorship disputes that arose prior to publication, see the relevant COPE diagrams (https://bit.ly/34TQkNu ).

Do the authors have the right to refuse a revoked publication?
If the review is related to the actions of several, but not all, authors of the publication, this must be reported in the Review Notification. However, authorship entails some degree of collective responsibility for the integrity of the research, so it is unacceptable for authors to refuse a retracted publication, even if they were not directly responsible for violations.

Republishing the recalled content
The author may republish some works if not all the content has been found to be unreliable. To ensure transparency, the authors must notify the editorial board of the new journal of the previous refusal, and it is appropriate to quote a rebuttal indicating why the work was withdrawn and what was corrected in the course of work.
Permission to republish must also be agreed with the copyright holder of the withdrawn work. In some cases, journals may wish to work with a retracted article by the authors while simultaneously publishing a linked and corrected version of the work. This "recall and republish" strategy is not usually used, but it can provide an opportunity for journals and authors to transparently correct the literature when a simple correction cannot sufficiently eliminate the shortcomings of the original article (for example, Cagney et al., Retraction and republication – a new tool for correcting the scientific record? European Science Editing, February 2016; 42(1) (https://bit.ly/2m03tTQ). In this case, the original article should not be completely deleted or “replaced”, but should be saved and linked to the new one.


Responsibilities and responsibilities of authors
Authors must ensure that the work presented is entirely original and, when using the work or statements of other authors, must provide appropriate bibliographical references.
Plagiarism in the form of presenting someone else’s work as the author’s, copying or paraphrasing significant parts of someone else’s work (without attribution), or claiming one’s own rights to the results of someone else’s research is unethical and unacceptable.
An author should not publish a manuscript largely devoted to the same study in more than one journal as an original publication. Submitting the same manuscript to more than one journal at the same time is perceived as unethical behavior and is unacceptable.
Publishing a certain type of article (eg, clinical practice guidelines, translational articles) in more than one journal is, in some cases, ethical, provided certain conditions are met. Authors and editors of interested journals must agree to a secondary publication that necessarily presents the same data and interpretations as in the primary published work.
A bibliography of the primary work must also be presented in the second publication. More information on acceptable forms of secondary (re)publication can be found at http://www.icmje.org/
The contributions of others should always be acknowledged. Authors should cite publications that are relevant to the work presented. Data obtained in private, such as through conversation, correspondence or discussion with third parties, should not be used or presented without the express written permission of the original source.
Authors of a publication can only be persons who have made a significant contribution to the conception of the work, development, execution or interpretation of the presented research and should be designated as co-authors. Where research participants have made significant contributions in a particular area, they should be listed as significant contributors to the study.
The author must ensure that all participants who made significant contributions to the study are identified as co-authors and that all co-authors have seen and approved the final version of the work and agree to its submission for publication.
If the work involves the use of chemicals, procedures, or equipment that pose any unusual risks, the author must clearly indicate this in the manuscript.
If the work involves animals or humans as research subjects, authors must ensure that the manuscript indicates that all stages of the study comply with the laws and regulations of research institutions, and are approved by the appropriate committees. The manuscript must clearly state that informed consent has been obtained from all subjects studied. Privacy rights must be respected at all times.
All authors are required to disclose in their manuscripts any financial or other existing conflicts of interest that could be perceived as influencing the results or conclusions presented in the work.
Examples of potential conflicts of interest that must be disclosed include employment, consulting, stock ownership, receipt of honoraria, provision of expert testimony, patent application or registration, grants and other financial support. Potential conflicts of interest should be disclosed as early as possible.
If the author discovers significant errors or inaccuracies in the publication, the author must report this to the editorial board of the journal and interact with the editor in order to promptly withdraw the publication or correct errors. If the editorial board of the journal has received information that the publication contains significant errors, the author is obliged to withdraw the work or correct the errors as soon as possible.

Publication ethics
The editorial staff and the editorial board and editorial council of the journal “Bulletin of KazNMU” (hereinafter referred to as the journal) rely in their work on the principles of publication ethics accepted by the international community: Code of Publication Ethics (Committee on Publication Ethics), Articles 971-984 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Copyright and Related Rights”, Chapter 3 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Science”, and also take into account the experience of authoritative international journals and publishing houses.
In order to avoid unfair practices in publishing activities (plagiarism, presentation of false information, etc.), each member of the editorial board, editorial board, author and reviewer is obliged to comply with ethical standards and rules, as well as take measures to prevent their violations. If in the process of reviewing works, inaccurate information, plagiarism, repetitions of previously published works, their translations, etc. are discovered, the article will be removed from publication. Compliance with the rules of ethics of scientific publications helps to ensure the rights of authors to intellectual property, improves the quality of publication and excludes the unlawful use of copyright materials in the interests of individuals.

Ethical principles that should guide the author of a scientific publication
Submission of an article for consideration to the editorial board of the journal implies that it contains new scientific results obtained by the author (team of authors) that have not previously been published anywhere.
Authors must be aware that they bear personal responsibility for the submitted text of the manuscript and comply with the following principles:
Provide reliable results of the work done and an objective discussion of the research.
Ensure that the research results presented in the manuscript represent independent and original work. In the case of using fragments of other people's works and/or borrowing statements of other authors, the article must contain bibliographical references with the obligatory indication of the author and the original source. Plagiarism in any form (unquoted quotes, paraphrasing, or appropriation of rights to the results of others' research) is unethical and unacceptable.
The author must immediately notify the editor if a significant error or inaccuracy is discovered in his published work and provide assistance in eliminating or correcting the error.
All those who made significant contributions to the writing of the manuscript should be listed as co-authors. The author (first) must familiarize all co-authors with the final version of the article, obtain their approval and agreement with its submission for publication. All authors listed in the article must be responsible for the content of the article.
Submit the article for consideration only to the journal “Bulletin of KazNMU”. Failure to comply with this principle is regarded as a gross violation of publication ethics and provides grounds for removing the article from review.

Ethical principles in the activities of a reviewer
The reviewer carries out a scientific examination of the author's materials. His actions must be impartial, consisting in compliance with the following principles:
Expert assessment should help the author improve the quality of the article text, and the editors should help make a decision on publication.
Any manuscript received for review is a confidential document.
The reviewer must be objective and express his opinion clearly and reasonably.
The reviewer should not use information and ideas from the article submitted to him for review for personal gain, maintaining the confidentiality of this information and ideas.
The reviewer should not accept manuscripts for consideration if there is a conflict of interest caused by competition, collaboration or other relationships with any authors or organizations associated with the article.

Principles of professional ethics in the activities of editors and the editorial board
In their activities, members of the journal's editorial board are responsible for the publication of copyrighted works, which entails the need to follow the following fundamental principles:
The editor and editorial staff must be responsible for everything that is published in the journal.
When making a decision on publication, journal editors are guided by the reliability of the data presented and the scientific significance of the work under consideration.
Editorial staff must not have any conflict of interest in relation to articles they reject or accept.
The journal's editorial staff are responsible for deciding which of the articles submitted to the journal will be accepted for publication and which will be rejected.
Editorial staff should not allow information to be published if there are sufficient grounds to believe that it is plagiarism.
Editorial staff and members of the journal's editorial board must ensure the confidentiality of names and other information relating to reviewers.

Conflicts of interest
Editors and editorial boards are required to request that authors of manuscripts disclose existing competing interests. If a conflict of interest is identified after publication, the editorial board is obliged to ensure the publication of appropriate amendments.
If there is a conflict of interest among members of the journal's editorial board as a result of competitive relations, cooperation or connections with one of the authors, the manuscript is submitted to an independent expert to resolve the conflict.
Reviewers should not take part in the review and evaluation of manuscripts if there is a conflict of interest or personal interest.
When filing an ethical complaint regarding a submitted manuscript or published article, the editor-in-chief should take action based on the experience of reputable journals. Every report of unethical behavior must be reviewed without a statute of limitations. If the fact is confirmed, appropriate corrections, refutations or apologies should be published.


Names and email addresses entered on the journal's website will be used solely on the site, and will not be used for any other purpose or provided to other individuals or organizations.