Review procedure

  • Editorial process and review
  • Review and manuscript
  • Procedures after review


• Scientific articles submitted to the editorial office go through the peer review institute.
• The journal practices double-blind reviewing, that is, the reviewer does not know the name of the author of the manuscript and vice versa.
• The editors of the journal notify authors of receipt of the article within 5 working days.
• The editor, together with the editorial board, appoints two reviewers for each manuscript
• The executive secretary sends the manuscript to the reviewers within 3 working days after the appointment of the reviewers
• The first reviewer is a qualified expert on the topic of the manuscript
• The second reviewer is an expert in study design, clinical epidemiology and biostatistics and assesses the methodological quality of the work.
• Reviewers submit written reviews to the editor within 4 weeks.
• In the review, in addition to a critical assessment of the article, a conclusion is made about the possibility of publishing this article in the journal: “accept for publication in its present form”, “accept for publication after making recommended changes” or “send for revision and re-consider the manuscript after revision”, “reject "
• The technical editor of the journal informs the authors about the results of the review of the article.
• If an article is rejected from publication, the editors send a reasoned refusal to the author.
• An article not recommended for publication by reviewers will not be accepted for re-consideration.
• The final decision on the advisability of publication is made by the editorial board.
• The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject an article that does not meet the established requirements or the scope of the journal.
• After making a decision to accept an article for publication, the technical editor of the journal informs the author about this and agrees on the timing of publication.
• The editors have the right to carry out literary editing and, if necessary, reduce the length of the article, having agreed on this issue with the author.
• Original manuscripts and reviews are stored in the editorial office of the journal.

Review and manuscript

Articles submitted to the editorial office for publication in the scientific and practical journal “Bulletin of KazNMU” are required to undergo peer review.

The review procedure includes the following steps:
1. The examination of the article by the journal editor for compliance with its main provisions of the requirements for publications approved by the editorial board of the journal is carried out within no more than 5 days from the date of receipt of the article by the editor.
2. External review is carried out by two specialists of the relevant profile who have an academic degree of at least Doctor of Science and who do not have scientific, financial or any other relationships with the authors of the article and the editors of the journal. The selection of external reviewers is carried out by the editors of the journal or the author of the scientific publication. Reviewing of articles is carried out on a voluntary and free basis. The review procedure is confidential.
3. The editorial board evaluates articles being prepared for publication in the next issue of the journal. Meetings of the editorial board are held once every 2 months, no later than 1 month before the release of the publication. The Editorial Board approves the list of articles to be published in the current issue of the journal. He has the right to reject an externally reviewed article if questions arise about some aspects of the article and refer it for additional external review. The selection of a reviewer for additional external review of the article is carried out by the editorial board. A member of the editorial board or editorial council of the journal may be appointed as an additional reviewer.
4. Approval of the contents of the journal issue by the editor-in-chief and/or editor is carried out after the technical layout of the issue is completed before submission to the printing house.
5. The author is given the opportunity (if desired) to familiarize himself with the layout of the article to confirm consent to its publication.


• After receiving positive reviews, the article is queued for publication in accordance with the priority level determined individually for each article. The author has the opportunity to receive information about the approximate publication dates also upon his request to his email address.
• Upon receipt of negative reviews, the editors send the author a copy of the review and a letter refusing to publish the manuscript.
• If a review of an article indicates the need for correction, it is sent to the author for revision in accordance with the reviewer’s comments or to receive a reasoned (partial or complete) explanation and response to the reviewer. In this case, the date of receipt by the editor will be considered the date of initial submission of the article.
• In case of disagreement with the reviewer's opinion, the author of the article has the right to submit a reasoned response to the editors of the journal. The article may be sent for re-review or for approval by the editorial board.
• Articles finalized or revised by the author are re-submitted for review.
• Articles that are not formatted in accordance with the publication requirements are not allowed to be published.
• Rejected articles, after revision by the authors, can be resubmitted to the editor, and they are reviewed in the general manner.